betty chin shelter
Donation of coats for the Betty Chin Homeless Shelter.

food bank
Birthday Bags for the Food Bank so parents can provide a cake and party for their children's birthdays.

book donation
Honoring Women in History Month by donating books by or about strong, contemporary women making history to local schools.

women's shelter
Members assembling Pamper/Personal Hygiene
bags for women.
bags for women.

rescue mission
Our club members played Easter Bunny and delivered Easter baskets to the Eureka Rescue Mission's Women's Shelter and Youth Services Bureau.

birthday bags
Kris Chorbi and Donna Ayres assembling
Birthday Bags.
Birthday Bags.

bell ringing
Salvation Army Bell Ringing at the Holidays.

blood drive
Soroptimist Blood Drive for Northern
California Blood Bank.
California Blood Bank.

Dress a Girl
Sewing dresses for Dress a Girl Around the World region service project.

fleece blankets
Making fleece tie blankets so kids have something
to snuggle when going into Foster Care,
to snuggle when going into Foster Care,

books for schools
Donating books about women and girls to local schools.

food bank
Dyann O'Brien buying diapers and formula for
donation to the Food Bank.
donation to the Food Bank.

Elaine Reed and Dyann O'Brien cozying up to Smokey the Bear at a Girls Scout event at the Trees of Mystery.

earth day
Over 230 Girl Scouts celebrated Earth Day at Trees of Mystery and club members assisted girls with planting flowers.

toys for tots
Collecting toys for Toys for Tots.

women veterans
Members honoring Women Veterans with a donation of commemorative coins to Deborah Reeves, director of the Veterans Center.

baby blankets
Hand-tied baby blankets to donate to the Humboldt County Nurse/Family Partnership program. This program helps to support first time parents in our community.

Christmas gifts collected for Redwood Coast
Regional Center families.
Regional Center families.

books about women
Books donated to local scools: ’I Am Malala', 'Hidden Figures’, ‘My Beloved World' Sonya Sotomayor, 'Sally Ride', ‘Soul Surfer' Bethany Hamilton, ’50 Life and Business Lessons’ Opra Winfrey, ‘A Champion on And Off the Court’ Serena Williams, ‘I Got This’ Laurie Hernandez.

we care bags
Assembled personal care bags for women at the Eureka Rescue Mission Women's Shelter.

Meals on wheels
Another creative project our members worked on. Valentine Cards for folks receiving Meals on Wheels. Sometimes it's the littlest things that make a difference.